Friday, February 22, 2013

The Pit of Despaaaair

I have been violently morning sick. Again. I was hoping to avoid it this time around, but no such luck. 

I am trying not to completely despair. It's hard not to when food doesn't appeal to you, but you have to eat or you'll throw up, but you'll probably throw up anyway, so whatever... Hydration is a problem. I am worthless during the day. I manage to get the baby fed and dressed, and then I lie around on the sofa. Sometimes I lie around on the floor so that he can climb on me. That seems to make him happy, and it makes me feel better since I feel awful about not being able to do much with him right now. I told him it's ok, soon he'll have someone to play with all the time. 

I have my first prenatal appointment one week from today. I'm far enough along that I'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat, which is exciting. I have to remind myself that this is all for a good cause. Also, Elijah has been wonderful about sleeping through the night for me these days, so things aren't all bad. He only wakes up once to eat. I could kiss him - and I do. I make terrific babies; it just takes a lot of up-front investment.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Dear Adam:

1. I love how you love the Lord.
2. I love your voice.
3. I love your smile.
4. I love your mind.
5. I love your beard.
6. I love that you don't play mind games with me.
7. I love that you don't let me play mind games with you.
8. I love your jokes.
9. I love your silly songs.
10. I love watching you play with our son.
11. I love how hard you work.
12. I love how you take care of us.
13. I love that nothing is ever too hard or out of reach for you to try it.
14. I love your convictions.
15. I love your touch.
16. I love a few things that I can't post here, so
17. use
18. your
19. imagination.
20. I love that you have a strong intellect, but you still know when to trust your gut.
21. I love that you can make (almost) anything.
22. I love that you pamper me when I need it.
23. I love that you make me a better person.
24. I love your confidence.
25. I love that you married me.

Happy Valentine's Day.