So here's the rest of the story on the DCF.
I faxed those documents on a Monday, so I sat around for a few days waiting for something to happen. I began to realize that nothing was going to happen, so I took matters into my own hands that Thursday morning. I went online again and still couldn't get into the website. Not wanting to deal with the phone menu again, I called a woman I know who happens to be a social worker at the mission I sometimes volunteer at.
This very sweet lady guided me through the phone menu options at DCF, trying to get me in touch with a representative I could talk to. 20 minutes into the menu, I finally heard the sweet sound of a ring tone. A lady picked up: "Sunco office, how may I help you?"
Sunco? "Yes, I can't get into my Access account online."
"The menu options have changed, you are in the wrong department. Click."
I would like it to be noted that this was the only point in the ordeal where I almost cried.
I had to call the sweet lady at the mission again.
She suggested to me another back door.
I couldn't get through.
I called her back.
She tried one last thing to see if I could get in, and it worked! From the time I called my friend to the time I talked to a representative, the entire thing took an hour and a half, and I never would have made it through if I hadn't known a social worker.
Now, let me back up a second and explain something to you: In order to get through the phone menu to talk to someone, you must enter your SSN and your birthdate; then they draw up your file automatically and, if they find your file, send you through to a representative. Every time I entered my number and birthdate, the automatic lady informed me that they had no file with those numbers.
Ok, moving forward again. I finally got through to talk to a representative. She asked me for my social and my birthdate. Turns out that instead of having me on file for a February birthday, they entered my birthday as June. Now, this happened because, apparently, they gave the job of data entry to a neutered opossum, who also mistyped both my middle name and my husband's (who knew you could spell "Helen" with a "J" and "Adam" with an "E"?).
Now, I wouldn't be angry if this was less important information, but I needed these FLIPPING numbers to be right or I couldn't get into the GD PHONE SYSTEM OR MY ONLINE ACCOUNT.
I typed in the June birthday to get into my online account (because it was going to take a while to correct my birthday), and it turns out that we are eligible and approved (hurray).
I have an appointment with my midwife on Valentine's day. Yippee :-)
In other news, the baby is about 13 inches long from head to toe and weighs around 2 pounds. It's kicking really hard and wakes me up at night (a preview of things to come, I'm sure). It's getting big enough for me to feel it not only kick, but also turn around as it's starting to slide against the walls. I was starting to get confused about what I was feeling, so I looked it up to see what babies do in there. It seems that the baby gets hiccups, which I find hilariously adorable, and the other cute thing is that it's practicing walking. It just kind of soft-pedals in there against my sides, which feels weird, but if it means I'm growing a track star, then I say go for it, Tiny Human. It's supposed to open it's eyes soon, too, and supposedly it will be able to sense light when that happens.
I am going to eat food now because that's my favorite thing to do these days.
are there studies as to whether neutered possums are more intelligent than their non neutered counterparts? cause i feel like it would be a fun fact to bring up at parties.