Friday, January 6, 2012

All About the Belly

Well, I have finally popped out with regards to the pregnancy belly. I'm sure it was gradual, but it really seemed to happen overnight. I have been told that the first pregnancy takes longer to show because my uterus is taking longer to make room for itself. It's got to push all the other organs out of the way, you know. I think my small intestines are somewhere in my throat. At the next pregnancy, my organs will already know their places, and they'll move out of the way readily (*sirens* "Battle stations, everyone, all hands on deck! Liver, you're over here; pancreas, down there; stomach, stop trying to turn inside out - you know the drill here, people!" At this point the boatswain notices the colon trying to sneak out the back door wearing a hat and carrying a suitcase, so he drags it back into formation). I have a lively imagination these days.

Anyway, I'm also at the point where people are tempted to touch the tummy. I mean, like, complete strangers. It's reenforcing my notion that my size is reaching planetary proportions and that I'm developing my own gravitational pull.

I am completely over morning sickness! YAHOO!!! I have never felt so relieved. It's been replaced with heartburn and insomnia, but I can totally live with that. I've started to feel, not just human, but kind of wonderful. I have a bunch of energy coming back, and I get surges of elation that I'm sure are coming from some magical, hitherto inactive hormone. I have not had the mood swings as badly, either, so things are generally really nice right now.

I think the gods drank orange juice, by the way. And ate cantaloupe. Fruit has never tasted this good.

I am at 22 weeks with 18 to go. My baby is the length of a spaghetti squash and weighs about a pound. It punched me so hard that it woke me up the other night, so it seems really eager to get out into the world. My official due date is May 10, and I have a feeling it will be here before I know it.

1 comment:

  1. So good! A lot of that energy is probably from you not vomiting up all your food so that's good too. Haha. I'm really glad things are going well for you.

    Also, I miss you horribly.
